# # Change the value of the MX_ARCH variable below to match the platform you # are compiling MpCa for. The available platforms are: # # linux - Compile for x86 or x86_64 under Linux 2.6 or above # macosx - Compile for x86 under MacOS X # win32 - Compile for Win32 with Microsoft Visual C++ # ifndef MX_ARCH MX_ARCH = linux endif ifndef MX_INSTALL_DIR ifdef MXDIR MX_INSTALL_DIR = $(MXDIR) else ifneq ($(wildcard ../mx/tools/mx_config),) MX_INSTALL_DIR=$(shell ../mx/tools/mx_config mx_install_dir) else MX_INSTALL_DIR=/opt/mx endif endif endif $(info MX_ARCH is [${MX_ARCH}]) $(info MX_INSTALL_DIR is [${MX_INSTALL_DIR}]) # The following trick with different levels of .. for MXSRC and MAKEHEAD # is only necessary if you are using relative paths. If you are using # absolute paths, just set MAKEHEAD to $(MXSRC)/libMx/Makehead.$(MX_ARCH). LIBMX = ..\\\\..\\\\mx\\\\libMx\\\\libMx.lib MXSRC = ../../mx MAKEHEAD = ../mx/libMx/Makehead.$(MX_ARCH) all: build include $(MAKEHEAD) MAKECMD = $(MAKE) MX_ARCH=$(MX_ARCH) MX_INSTALL_DIR=$(MX_INSTALL_DIR) \ LIBMX=$(LIBMX) MXSRC=$(MXSRC) build: depend_files ( cd libMpCa ; $(MAKECMD) ) clean: depend_files cleanmisc ( cd libMpCa ; $(MAKECMD) clean ) distclean: depend_files cleanmisc ( cd libMpCa ; $(MAKECMD) distclean ) cleanmisc: -$(RM) */*.lib -$(RM) */*.exp -$(RM) */*.ilk -$(RM) */*.pdb -$(RM) */*.bak -$(RM) */core depend: depend_files ( cd libMpCa ; $(MAKECMD) depend ) install: depend_files ( cd libMpCa ; $(MAKECMD) install ) depend_files: libMpCa/Makefile.depend libMpCa/Makefile.depend: touch libMpCa/Makefile.depend