Version 1.5.2 (03/30/10): MpWx widgets now test for the existence of the MX network field at startup time. Received one-element lists are now converted into scalars. Version 1.5.1 (10/05/09): Added 'base' keyword to the MpWx.Value widget. Specifying 8, 10, or 16 for the base causes the widget to display its value in the requested base. Added 'reverse_order' keyword for the MpWx.RadioBox widget. The value changed callback code for MpWx has been changed so that if multiple widgets point at the same network field, then all of the widgets share the same callback. Modified the value changed callback function signature to include the network field object (Mp.Net) as the first argument of the callback function. Version 1.5.0 (11/16/08): Initial release.