#------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Get the Subversion revision number of MX (if available). # # We strip out any embedded spaces to make the ifeq test below easier. _mx_subversion_revision := $(shell svnversion .. 2>/dev/null | tr -d ' ') # Create a label for the current version. ifndef _mx_subversion_revision _mx_subversion_label := unknown else ifeq ($(_mx_subversion_revision),Unversioneddirectory) _mx_subversion_label := none else _mx_subversion_label := SVN $(_mx_subversion_revision) endif endif # Read in the label for the old version. _mx_subversion_old_label := $(shell cat mx_revision.txt 2>/dev/null) # Compare the labels and overwrite the old one if they do not match $(info Old = $(_mx_subversion_old_label)) $(info New = $(_mx_subversion_label)) ifneq ($(_mx_subversion_label),$(_mx_subversion_old_label)) $(shell echo $(_mx_subversion_label) > mx_revision.txt) $(shell echo \#define MX_REVISION_STRING \"$(_mx_subversion_label)\" > ../libMx/mx_private_revision.h) endif #------------------------------------------------------------------------